Verizon and NPP partner to assist small/medium businesses.
See how your business can benefit from the latest Verizon offers for NPP members. You can find savings on new phones, access to an exclusive deal on Unlimited 5G plans and more.
Save $600 When You Switch1
Switch to Verizon and get $600 off the new Business Unlimited 5G smartphone plans with even more value.
Ask your Verizon rep about these deals and more!
Business Unlimited 5G Plans2
Plan features:
- Unlimited Premium Network Access
- 5G/4G LTE
- 5G Ultra Wideband
- Mobile hotspot (5G Ultra Wideband/5G/4G LTE data)
- New Lines Only
- 1080p Video on 5G/4G LTE
- Included Travel Pass days each month
Digital Exclusive Offers on Select Devices
Save on the latest devices from Motorola and Kyocera. Plus, if you’re new to Verizon you can join and get $200 off on a new smartphone.3
If you’re already with Verizon, you can save $100 on a smartphone when you add a line.4
1New line w/month-to-month agmt & Business Unlimited Plus 5G or Unlimited Pro 5G plan req’d. Cust must transfer smartphone & number to VZ; new line activation & number transfer must be completed in one transaction. Smartphone must be compatible w/VZ network. $600 credit applied to acct. over 24 mos; promo credit ends when eligibility requirements are no longer met. Credits begin in 1-2 bills & do not appear with Biz Unlimited 5G plan fee which increases in month 25. Cust must retain smartphone & remain on selected plan in order to receive credit(s). Cannot be combined with other device offers. Business Unlimited 5G plan terms apply. Offer available 7.13 through 12.31.2023.
Our Surcharges (incl. Fed. Univ. Svc. of 29.2% of interstate & int’l charges (varies quarterly), 21¢ Regulatory & $1.95 Administrative/line/mo. & others by area) are not taxes (details 1.888.684.1888); Gov’t taxes & our surcharges could add 7%-46% to your bill. Activation/upgrade fee per line: Up to $35. IMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Subject to business agmt, calling plan & credit approval. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see While supplies last Taxes, fees & terms apply. All screen images are simulated.
© 2023 Verizon
25G Ultra Wideband available in select areas.
Discount: $5 off for 12 months ($60) w/ 5 lines. Discount Application: Recurring credit for 12 months. Eligible Transactions: New, add a line purchasing under a Group Purchasing Organization agreement.
Plan Requirement: Business Unlimited Plus or Pro (1.0 & 5G)
Sign-up online or by phone for paper-free billing & auto pay w/ your bank account or debit card. A $5 monthly discount will be applied to each smartphone line as long as auto pay & paper-free billing stay active.
Per month w/ 5 lines. Includes paper free billing w/ auto-pay discount. Available with month-to-month or device payment agreement. Taxes & fees apply.
3Offer available to new VZ biz customers on initial new smartphone purchase only. Acct. creation & initial purchase must be completed in one transaction. New line w/device payment agmt & $34.99 or higher price plan req’d. 0% APR. $200 credit applied to acct after 2-3 bills. Can be combined with select offers. Not available with DuraXV Extreme+. VZ reserves the right to charge back to your acct all or a portion of the value of any promotional credit you received as part of this offer in the event you no longer meet the eligibility requirements. Any such charge back may be subject to the terms of your VZ agmt. Offer available online only.