1Taxes & fees apply. New line w/device payment purchase agmt & Business Unlimited Plus or Unlimited Pro plan req’d. 0% APR. Up to $830 (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max) or $800 (Google Pixel Fold, Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+, Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip5 or Galaxy Z Fold5) credit, varying by smartphone trade-in, applied to acct over the term of your agmt (up to 36 mos); promo credit ends when eligibility requirements are no longer met. Credit will not exceed device price. Credits begin 2-3 bills after trade-in is received by VZ. Smartphone trade-in must be received by VZ w/in 90 days & meet program requirements. Most trade-in device conditions accepted; exclusions apply. 10-line trade-in limit per order. Cannot be combined with other device offers. iPhone 15 128GB & Galaxy S24 128GB monthly fee after credit: $0. Activation/upgrade fee per line: Up to $35. IMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Subject to business agmt, calling plan & credit approval. CA: Sales tax based on full device price. Add’l CA eWaste fee may apply to laptop and/or tablet purchases. NV: Sales tax based on higher of device price or VZ’s cost. Up to $650 early termination fee. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see vzw.com. While supplies last. Taxes, fees (including restocking fee) & terms apply. All screen images are simulated. Offers available 7.01 through 9.30.2024.
2New line w/month-to-month agmt & Business Unlimited Plus 5G or Unlimited Pro 5G plan req’d. Cust must transfer smartphone & number to VZ; new line activation & number transfer must be completed in one transaction. Smartphone must be compatible w/VZ network. $600 credit applied to acct. over 24 mos; promo credit ends when eligibility requirements are no longer met. Credits begin in 1-2 bills, will include appropriate credit amounts from order date & do not appear in Biz Unlimited 5G plan fee section of your bill. Cust must retain smartphone & remain on selected plan in order to receive credit(s). Cannot be combined with other device offers. Business Unlimited 5G plan terms apply. Offer ends 9.30.2024. Activation/upgrade fee per line: Up to $35. IMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Subject to business agmt, calling plan & credit approval. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see vzw.com. Taxes, fees & terms apply.
3New device payment agmt &19.99 or higher price plan req’d. 0% APR credit applied to acct over me term or your agmt (up to 36 mos); promo credit ends when eligibility requirements are no longer met. Credits begin in 2-3 bills & will include appropriate credit amounts from order date. Can be combined with select offers. IMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Subject to business agmt, calling plan & credit approval. CA: Sales tax based on full device price. Add’I CA eWaste fee may apply to laptop and/or tablet purchases. NV: Sales tax based on higher of device price or VZ’s cost. Up to $650 early termination fee. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see vzw.com. While supplies last. Taxes, fees (including restocking fee) & terms apply. iPad (1oth Generation), iPad Air (5th Generation), iPad Air 11-inch (M2), iPad Air 13-inch (M2) iPad iPad mini (2021), iPad Pro 11.9 inch (4th Generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (6th Generation), iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) & iPad Pro 13-inch (M4) support only 5G Ultra Wideband mid-band (C-band),5G and 4G LTE. Offers available 7.01 through 9.30.2024.
410 Year Price Guarantee offer for new 5G Business Internet customers in select areas only. Guarantee applies to the base Internet monthly access fee, excluding applicable taxes, fees and equipment charges. Customers must be in good standing and retain 5G Business Internet at the current service address; any customer-initiated change to the service or service plan cancels the price guarantee. Changes or disruptions to 5G Business Internet service to your location outside of Verizon’s control will cancel the price guarantee. Terms apply.
* Offer available to new 5G Business Internet customers who sign up for qualifying service as follows: A one time discount of $199 (400 Mbps speed tier) or a one time discount of $99 (200 Mbps speed tier) will each be fulfilled as a bill credit to your Verizon account and will appear within 1-2 billing cycles. May only be combined with select offers. Limited time offer.
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NPP does not guarantee supplier offers or their website performance. Suppliers are solely responsible for all supplier products and services offered through NPP. Offers may be suspended or terminated at any time and may be subject to product restrictions, exclusions and eligibility requirements. Restrictions may apply.