Bring Your Number and Device to Verizon

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Verizon and NPP partner to assist small/medium businesses.

5G Business Internet 10-year Price Guarantee2

Take your business to the next level by switching to Verizon, with multiple promotions available.

Save on a New Device3

Receive a credit of $100 when you purchase a new smartphone, transfer your number and add a new line with Verizon.

Up To $450 off When You Switch1

Bring your number and device to Verizon and save on select voice and data plans.

Ask your Verizon rep about these deals and more!

1New line w/month-to-month agmt & select voice/data plan req’d. Cust must transfer smartphone & number to VZ. Smartphone must be compatible w/VZ network. $450 (Business Unlimited Pro 2.0), $350 (Biz Unlimited Plus 2.0) or $300 (Biz Unlimited Start 2.0) credit applied to acct. over 24 mos; promo credit ends when eligibility requirements are no longer met. Credits begin in 1-2 bills. Cust must retain smartphone & remain on one of the eligible plans in order to receive credit(s). Voice/data plan terms apply. Cannot be combined with other promotions. Offer ends 6.30.2023.
2For Verizon 5G Business Internet: 5G Business Internet is available only in parts of select cities on Verizon’s 5G Ultra-Wide Band network. Router and receiver required. Professional installation included. In times of congestion, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic. No domestic or int’l roaming. Terms apply.¹10 Year Price Guarantee offer for new 5G Business Internet customers in select areas only. Guarantee applies to the base Internet monthly access fee, excluding applicable taxes, fees and equipment charges. Customers must be in good standing and retain 5G Business Internet at the current service address; any customer-initiated change to the service or service plan cancels the price guarantee. Changes or disruptions to 5G Business Internet service to your location outside of Verizon’s control will cancel the price guarantee. Terms apply.
Offer available to new 5G Business Internet customers who sign up for qualifying service as follows: A one time discount of $199 (400 Mbps speed tier) or a one time discount of $99 (200 Mbps speed tier) will each be fulfilled as a bill credit to your Verizon account and will appear within 1-2 billing cycles. May only be combined with select offers. Limited time offer.
5G Business Internet Switching Allowance offer: Offer for new 5G Business Internet customers who terminated their prior internet service and incurred an early termination fee (ETF). To redeem offer, you must email documentation of the ETF from your prior service provider w/in 30 days after receipt of final bill. Offer fulfilled via a bill credit to your Verizon account in the amount of the billed ETF up to $1,500. Offer is non-transferable and has no cash or refund value. Credit will be issued after 60 days of service, and will appear on your Verizon bill within 1-2 billing cycles thereafter. You remain solely responsible for paying the ETF to your prior service provider. May not be combined with all offers. Other terms apply. Limited time offer.
Offer for business customers in select areas only who sign up for new, qualifying 5G Business Internet service. Eligible customers qualify for (i) one (1) One Talk service line and (ii) one (1)BlueJeans Meeting Standard license included with 5G Business Internet service. New One Talk line activation reqâd and new BlueJeans Meetings activation reqâd; offer not available for existing One Talk lines and/or existing BlueJeans Meetings licenses. One Talk desk phones require broadband connection to operate. Offer fulfilled by bill credit to your Verizon account as follows: $25/mo credit for the One Talk line and/or a $12.49/mo credit for BlueJeans license. After 5G Business Internet is activated, applicable credits will apply once One Talk and/or BlueJeans services are activated. Taxes & fees apply. Customer must maintain 5G Business Internet on account and in good standing in order to continue to receive the applicable bill credits. May not be combined with all offers. Limited time offer.
3New line w/2-yr or device payment agmt & $34.99 or higher price plan req’d. 0% APR. $100 credit applied to acct after 2-3 bills. Can be combined with select promotions. VZ reserves the right to charge back to your acct all or a portion of the value of any promo credit you received as part of this offer in the event you no longer meet the eligibility requirements. Any such charge back may be subject to the terms of your VZ agmt. Offer ends 6.30.2023. Activation/upgrade fee per line: Up to $35. IMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Subject to business agmt, calling plan & credit approval. CA: Sales tax based on full device price. NV: Sales tax based on higher of device price or VZ’s cost. Up to $650 early termination fee. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see While supplies last. Restocking fee & terms apply.
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NPP does not guarantee supplier offers or their website performance. Suppliers are solely responsible for all supplier products and services offered through NPP. Offers may be suspended or terminated at any time and may be subject to product restrictions, exclusions and eligibility requirements. Restrictions may apply.